Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ADSR Envelopes

ADSR envelopes might be daunting at first, but in reality they are very simple to understand.
Basically, the ADSR envelope determines that characteristics of the sample itself.
ADSR stands for Attack Decay Sustain Release.
The knobs underneath the display each control a certain point of the envelope.
DEL : Predelay time - this will give the sample a predelay before it starts
ATT : Attack - This is how long it takes the sample to get to full volume. an attack of zero means that the sample starts at full volume immediately.
HOLD : This is how long the note will hold for.
DEC : Decay - This determines how long it takes for the note drop to the sustain leve.
SUS : Sustain - Sustain and Decay work hand in hand. An easy way to remember it is that Decay is how long it takes, Sustain is related to the volume of the note.
REL : Release - this is simply how long the note takes to fade away completely.

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